Ciox Health’s ROI Processing Center sometimes needs to contact a site about a request.
There are many reasons for this kind of message, but typically the Processing Center has found a potential problem with the selected requester or the Medical Records.
You can see and respond to these Messages directly in HealthSource Clarity.
If you can’t provide a detailed answer, please do NOT respond to a Message. It was NOT sent to you, it was sent to a Site. Responding to a Message closes it. Replying “I don’t work at this site” or “I don’t know anything about this request” may be true, but they’re not helpful. The ROI Processing Center must then send a new Message to get the answer they need. If in doubt, check with your supervisor and your co-workers. Someone else may be able to provide the required information. |
Messages are site-specific. They are NOT user-specific.
John Dough at Site 13270 might have handled Request 98765432 from beginning to end, but if the ROI Processing Center sends a Message about it, ANYONE with access to Site 13270 can respond.
If there is an open Message — one that has not yet been responded to — concerning a request at a site to which you have access, you’ll see a number next to the Messages symbol at the top of the screen:
We check for new Messages when you login AND when you click the Message symbol.
1. Click the Messages symbol.
2. The Event Notifications window appears.
3. Check the Site ID and Description. Do you think you can provide a meaningful answer?
a. Yes or Maybe — Click the View Request link and continue with Step 4.
b. No — Close the Event Notifications window. Do not proceed with the steps below.
4. The request opens with the Messages window displayed.
5. Read the Details.
6. Close the Messages window.
7. Review the documents and data for the request.
8. Click the Messages button, located to the left of the Comments symbol in the upper right corner of the Request screen.
9. The Messages window appears again.
10. Type a Response.
a. Your response MUST be meaningful. Do not reply "I don't work at this site" or "You sent this to the wrong person." Messages are sent to sites, NOT to a specific person. Your supervisor or co-workers may be able to provide an answer that you cannot.
b. You can enter as many as 400 characters.
c. You cannot attach pictures or other files to the Message.
11. Click Send.
The Message Response Required search field looks for requests that are — or that are NOT — associated with a Message needing a response.
The Request History captures events related to Messages.
o User Name — Person who created or responded to the Message.
o Subject — As created by the ROI Processing Center.
o Comment — Detailed question posed by the ROI Processing Center.
o Response — Text entered by HealthSource Clarity user.