Provider Lookup

HealthSource Clarity can be configured to search for the provider specified in the Request Letter.

If we find a match, the NPI (National Provider Identifier) is added to the request, which will help us find possible duplicates.

Provider Lookup search fields

Search Field

Function and format requirements


ZIP only finds exact matches.


Finds providers whose address starts with the search value.

For example, a search value of 360 would find 360 Main Street, 3601 Main Street, 3608 Broadway, etc.

First Name

Finds providers with first names that start with values LIKE the search term.

For example, A would find ADAM, ALLISON, ANDREA, etc.

1 alphabetic character required.

Last Name

Finds providers with last names that start with values LIKE the search term.

For example, SMITH would find SMITH, SMITHERS, SMITHFIELD, etc.

1 alphabetic character required.


Exact match only.

Full 10 digits required.

If you enter an NPI, the other search fields are disabled.


Finds organizations with names that start with values LIKE the search term.

For example, MED would find MEDICAL, MEDICINE, MEDIATOR, etc.

1 alphabetic character required.

Provider Lookup rules

NPI is the only search field that can (and must) be used by itself.  

The table below shows the minimum rules. You can enter more search values if desired. For example, you could enter ZIP + Street Address + First Name + Last Name + Organization Name.

Search Field

Minimum other search fields required


Any 1 except NPI


Any 1 except NPI

First Name

1 of:

o       ZIP

o       Street Address


Last Name + Organization Name

Last Name

1 of:

o       ZIP

o       Street Address


First Name + Organization Name


None allowed


1 of:

o       ZIP

o       Street Address


First Name + Last Name

Site-level setting

Group Administrators control how the Provider Lookup fields work.




The Provider Lookup fields can appear during Logging and / or Fulfillment.


The NPI field must contain a value before the request can be submitted;


the Provider Not Found checkbox must be selected.

These settings are available from the User Management — Site Preferences — Request Field Customization screen.

Using the Provider Lookup function

These instructions assume that the Provider Lookup fields are enabled for the site and that the NPI value is required to submit requests from Logging.

1.          Enter the appropriate Provider Lookup values and click Find Provider.

2.          Does the Select Provider window show possible matches?

a.     Yes — Click the provider. The window may list several choices.

b.    No — If you’re sure you entered “good” search values, click Provider not found.

3.          The read-only Provider fields are automatically filled with data.

a.     Provider Not Found will be checked if you picked that option in Step 2.b.

b.    You can also select Provider Not Found manually, which clears any data in the read-only fields.