Correspondence can be added to a request during Logging and Fulfillment.
The steps to create and send a letter are the same in both cases, but the Reason(s) are different.
The example pictures in these instructions are based on the Fulfillment stage. |
1. Click the ... (More Actions) button at the top of the Data Entry window and select Create Correspondence.
2. On the Create Correspondence page, pick any or all of the Reason(s) why you can't process the request. Your choices will be listed on the Correspondence.
a. Logging reasons
b. Fulfillment reasons
c. If you choose Other, you must Edit the Correspondence
3. Do you need to add special information to the Correspondence?
a. No — Click Submit. The request closes, It can be opened in read-only mode from the Request Search tool.
b. Yes— See Edit Correspondence.