My Dashboard — Logger Centralized Supervisor


The Dashboard for a Logger Centralized Supervisor:

o       Shows a graphic view of Exception requests;

o       Breaks down the current inventory of requests by Due Date.

Requests in Exception chart

Shows all requests that have been flagged as Exceptions.

View request details

Click here for instructions on opening a report on the requests in a "slice" of a pie chart.

Time period

The chart shows requests over the last 30 days.

Display By options

o       Reasons — the Reason selected when the request was flagged as an Exception. This option is selected by default.

o       Request Types

Requests — Days Until Due chart

Shows how many requests are due for delivery within five time periods:

o       Overdue (Due Date has passed)

o       Due within 0-3 days

o       Due within 4-7 days

o       Due in more than 7 days

o       Not Available (no Due Date)

View request details

Click here for instructions on opening a report on the requests in a "slice" of a pie chart.

Time period

The chart shows requests over the last 30 days.