Pull Lists

Fields on the Pull List screen



Site Location

Site at which the child request Medical Records are located.

Batch ID

ID value for the "parent" Pull List request.

External Batch ID

Some customers provide this type of batch-level identification value on their Pull Lists. Capturing it gives us a better traceability between what the customer asked for and the child requests.

o       Optional for all Pull Lists.

o       35 character maximum.

o       Alphanumeric characters only, no dashes or other special characters allowed.

o       Can be edited only on the Pull List screen, not after you finish logging the Pull List.

You can search for child requests by the External Batch ID value:

1.          On the Request Search page, select Group ID in the By Type of Identifier field.

2.          Enter the External Batch ID value.

3.          Run the search.

4.          All child requests associated with the Pull List will be listed in the Search Results.

Number of Patients on Pull List

Shows the current number of rows on the Pull List screen.

You can change this number directly. It will automatically update if you use the buttons to add or remove rows.

Last Name


First Name


Dates of Services From

Dates of Services To

Patient Lookup

Only available if the Patient Lookup tool is enabled at the site.

Required Measures

Lets you specify the types of records requested.

For a HEDIS Pull List, you can select from a list rather than typing a description.

Duplicate Request

Indicates if the entered values appear to match an existing request.


Creates a child request based on the data in the row.

Parent and Child relationship tracking

You can see the relationship between Parent and Child requests that were created by importing a Pull List.

The Request History tracks this relationship in both directions:

o       Parent request shows all Child requests created;

o       Child request shows the Parent, but no other Child requests created from that Parent.

Request History for Parent

Request History for Child

Update E-Request Letter when child sent back to logging

IF a child request is resubmitted to Logging;

AND you change any of these values during the “revised” logging:

o       Patient Name

o       DOB

o       Dates of Service

o       Required HEDIS measures (if any)

THEN the E-Request Letter for that child will be modified to reflect your changes. These changes will be visible when the child is opened for Fulfillment.

Requester locked for child requests

You cannot look up and select a different requester during the Fulfillment of child requests.

The requester search fields are disabled for children.